©NinaRosens ©StefanHeijdendael
An education method with social impact
Talent development is an important part of the Zeist Music Days festival. Musethica was introduced in The Netherlands during the festival 2019 and since then Zeist Music Days has been one of the international partners of Musethica.
Musethica is an education method enabling exceptionally gifted young musicians and their tutors to improve their interpretative skills and to further develop their inspiration, listening, and musical abilities. Selected young musicians perform a large number of concerts together with world-renowned tutors. Learning by doing is the motto. The method has a strong and direct social impact, providing society with live concerts of the highest quality.
The purpose of working with the Musethica method is to give musicians an intense humanistic and musical experience and by that strongly develop their listening and performing skills. At the same time, Musethica provides free concerts to excluded groups in society.
What started as a simple idea by the founders Avri Levitan, violist and Carmen Marcuello in 2012, has sparked interest from musicians and institutions all around the world. As a result, Musethica organizes hundreds of concerts yearly at schools of special education, elderly homes, women’s shelters, prisons, refugee homes, and other institutions where the demand for concerts has been proven to be endless.
Zeist Music Days organizes at least once a year a 9 days special Musethica project with a final concert for the Zeist Music Days friends and the public in the Moravian Church in Zeist.
More information can be found at musethica.org